主题Zebulun, The Tribe of (西布伦支派 )
 - 是雅各第六个儿子的后裔
      创 30:19,20 

 - 关于西布伦支派的预言
      创 49:13  申 33:18,19 

 - 从西布伦支派选出一些人
   . 数点百姓
        民 1:9 

   . 窥探美地
        民 13:10 

   . 分地为业
        民 34:25 

 - 出埃及时的人数
      民 1:30,31 

 - 漂流旅途中, 是以色列军第一队的后尾
      民 10:14,16 

 - 安营在会幕东方, 在犹大的纛以下
      民 2:3,7 

 - 行奉献坛之礼时的供物
      民 7:24-29 

 - 家族
      民 26:26,27 

 - 进迦南时的人数
      民 26:27 

 - 在以巴路山上附和咒诅
      申 27:13 

 - 是航海经商的民族
      创 49:13 

 - 为以色列提供文士或抄写员
      士 5:14 

 - 所得地业的边界
      书 19:10-16 

 - 无法把迦南人赶出城外, 只叫他们成为服苦的人
      士 1:30 

 - 因为协助底波拉和巴拉对抗西西拉而受赞扬
      士 5:14,18  4:10 

 - 协助基甸对付米甸军队
      士 6:35 

 - 为以色列提供一位士师
      士 12:11,12 

 - 有些西布伦人出席大卫的加冕典礼
      代上 12:33 

 - 由大卫王任命的西布伦支派官长
      代上 27:19 

 - 只有一部分西布伦人协助希西家的革新运动
      代下 30:10,11,18 

 - 西布伦境内有幸有基督同在并受他训诲
      赛 9:1  太 4:13-15 
 - Descended from Jacob's sixth son
      Ge 30:19,20 

 - Predictions respecting
      Ge 49:13  De 33:18,19 

   . To number the people
        Nu 1:9 

   . To spy out the land
        Nu 13:10 

   . To divide the land
        Nu 34:25 

 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt
      Nu 1:30,31 

 - Formed the rear of the first division of the army of Israel
   in its journeys
      Nu 10:14,16 

 - Encamped under the standard of Judah, east of the tabernacle
      Nu 2:3,7 

 - Offering of, at the dedication
      Nu 7:24-29 

 - Families of
      Nu 26:26,27 

 - Strength of, on entering Canaan
      Nu 26:27 

 - On Ebal said amen to the curses
      De 27:13 

 - A naval and commercial people
      Ge 49:13 

 - Furnished scribes or writers to Israel
      Jud 5:14 

 - Bounds of their inheritance
      Jos 19:10-16 

 - Unable to drive out the Canaanites from their cities, but
   made them tributary
      Jud 1:30 

 - Praised for assisting Deborah and Barak in opposing Sisera
      Jud 5:14,18  4:10 

 - Aided Gideon against the army of the Midianites
      Jud 6:35 

 - Furnished a judge to Israel
      Jud 12:11,12 

 - Some of, at David's coronation
      1Ch 12:33 

 - Officer appointed over by David
      1Ch 27:19 

 - Only some of, assisted in Hezekiah's reformation
      2Ch 30:10,11,18 

 - Country of, blessed with the presence and instruction of
      Isa 9:1  Mt 4:13-15 
