主题Syria (亚兰 / 叙利亚 )
 - 最初含括米所波大米 (美索不达米亚)
      创 25:20  28:5  申 26:5  徒 7:2 

 - 正确说来, 是大马色周围的土地
      撒下 8:6 

 - 大马色是亚兰的首都
      赛 7:8 

 - 亚罢拿和法珥法是亚兰的河
      王下 5:12 

 - 由君王统治
      王上 22:31  王下 5:1 

 - 亚兰居民
   . 称为亚兰人
        撒下 10:11  王下 5:20 

   . 称为大马色的亚兰人
        撒下 8:5 

   . 是拜偶像的民族
        士 10:6  王下 5:18 

   . 是好战的民族
        王上 20:23,25 

   . 是经商的民族
        结 27:18 

   . 说亚兰文
        王下 18:26  拉 4:7  但 2:4 

 - 以色列人随从亚兰人拜偶像
      士 10:6 

 - 大卫
   . 消灭协助哈大底谢王的亚兰军队
        撒下 8:5 

   . 在亚兰地设立防营, 使亚兰成为进贡国
        撒下 8:6 

   . 把从亚兰掠夺过来的物品献给上帝
        撒下 8:11,12 

   . 因战胜亚兰而成名
        撒下 8:13 

   . 差派约押迎击亚扪人招募的亚兰军队
       撒下 10:6-14 

   . 消灭再次来袭的亚兰军队
        撒下 10:15-19 

 - 亚撒找亚兰帮忙对付以色列
      王上 15:18-20 

 - 以利亚经上帝指示, 膏哈薛作亚兰王
      王上 19:15 

 - 亚兰王便哈达围困撒马利亚
      王上 20:1-12 

 - 以色列人
   . 亚哈王年间, 受上帝鼓舞并协助, 战胜亚兰
        王上 20:13-20 

   . 预先受警告, 来年亚兰人会来犯
        王上 20:22-25 

   . 在亚兰人面前显得渺小
        王上 20:26,27 

   . 受上帝鼓舞、协助, 二度战胜亚兰
        王上 20:28-30 

   . 受欺诈与亚兰订立盟约
        王上 20:31-43 

   . 与亚兰相安无事三年
        王上 22:1 

   . 亚哈王年间, 极力欲收复基列的拉末
        王上 22:3-29 

   . 被亚兰打败, 亚哈被杀
        王上 22:30-36 

   . 经常受亚兰侵扰
        王下 5:2  6:23 

   . 从以利沙口中得知亚兰的机密
        王下 6:8-12 

 - 上帝使亚兰王派来攻击以利沙的人眼目昏迷
      王下 6:14,18-20 

 - 再度围困撒马利亚
      王下 6:24-29 

 - 亚兰军队神迹般回转不攻击以色列人
      王下 7:5,6 

 - 以利沙预言亚兰王会死, 继任的王暴虐无道
      王下 8:7,15 

 - 以色列王约兰极力欲收复基列的拉末, 结果受了重伤
      王下 8:28,29  9:15 

 - 以色列因为约哈斯的罪, 被交在亚兰人手中
      王下 13:3,7,22 

 - 上帝为以色列兴起一位拯救他们脱离亚兰人的人
      王下 13:5,23-25 

 - 以利沙预言约阿施三次战胜亚兰
      王下 13:14-19 

 - 与以色列一起对付亚哈斯, 并围困耶路撒冷
      王下 16:5  赛 7:12 

 - 重新拿下以拉他, 把犹太人赶出去
      王下 16:6 

 - 为亚述所征服, 居民被掳
      王下 16:9 

 - 有关亚兰的预言
   . 亚兰王利汛要灭亡
        赛 7:8,16 

   . 不再是国家
        赛 17:1-3 

   . 因为遭入侵, 境内居民就惊恐气馁
        耶 49:23,24 

   . 居民遭灭绝
        耶 49:26 

   . 大马色遭掳掠
        赛 8:4 

   . 火烧大马色
        耶 49:27  摩 1:4 

   . 亚兰的灾难是罪的惩罚
        摩 1:3 

   . 居民被掳
        摩 1:3 

   . 其历史与马其顿帝国连结
        但 11:6-45 

 - 被罗马人征服并统治
      路 2:2 

 - 福音传至亚兰, 许多教会在当地建立
      徒 15:23,41 
 - Originally included Mesopotamia
      Ge 25:20  28:5  De 26:5  Ac 7:2 

 - More properly the country around Damascus
      2Sa 8:6 

 - Damascus the capital of
      Isa 7:8 

 - Abana and Pharpar rivers of
      2Ki 5:12 

 - Governed by kings
      1Ki 22:31  2Ki 5:1 

   . Called Syrians
        2Sa 10:11  2Ki 5:20 

   . Called Syrians of Damascus
        2Sa 8:5 

   . An idolatrous people
        Jud 10:6  2Ki 5:18 

   . A warlike people
        1Ki 20:23,25 

   . A commercial people
        Eze 27:18 

   . Spoke the Syriack language
        2Ki 18:26  Ezr 4:7  Da 2:4 

 - Israel followed the idolatry of
      Jud 10:6 

   . Destroyed the army of, which assisted Hadadezer
        2Sa 8:5 

   . Garrisoned and made tributary
        2Sa 8:6 

   . Dedicated the spoils of
        2Sa 8:11,12 

   . Obtained renown by his victory over
        2Sa 8:13 

   . Sent Joab against the armies of, hired by the Ammonites
        2Sa 10:6-14 

   . Destroyed a second army of
        2Sa 10:15-19 

 - Asa sought aid of, against Israel
      1Ki 15:18-20 

 - Elijah anointed Hazael king over, by divine direction
      1Ki 19:15 

 - Benhadad king of, besieged Samaria
      1Ki 20:1-12 

   . Under Ahab encouraged and assisted by God, overcame
        1Ki 20:13-20 

   . Forewarned of invasion by, at the return of the year
        1Ki 20:22-25 

   . Insignificant before
        1Ki 20:26,27 

   . Encouraged and assisted by God overcame a second time
        1Ki 20:28-30 

   . Craftily drawn into a league with
        1Ki 20:31-43 

   . At peace with, for three years
        1Ki 22:1 

   . Under Ahab sought to recover Ramoth-gilead from
        1Ki 22:3-29 

   . Defeated by, and Ahab slain
        1Ki 22:30-36 

   . Harassed by frequent incursions of
        2Ki 5:2  6:23 

   . Heard the secrets of, from Elisha
        2Ki 6:8-12 

 - God smote with blindness those sent against Elisha by the
   king of
      2Ki 6:14,18-20 

 - Besieged Samaria again
      2Ki 6:24-29 

 - Army of, miraculously routed
      2Ki 7:5,6 

 - Death of the king of, and the cruelty of his successor
   foretold by Elisha
      2Ki 8:7,15 

 - Joram king of Israel in seeking to recover Ramothgilead from,
   severely wounded
      2Ki 8:28,29  9:15 

 - Israel delivered into the hands of, for the sins of Jehoahaz
      2Ki 13:3,7,22 

 - A saviour raised up for Israel against
      2Ki 13:5,23-25 

 - Elisha predicted to Joash his three victories over
      2Ki 13:14-19 

 - Joined with Israel against Ahaz and besieged Jerusalem
      2Ki 16:5  Isa 7:12 

 - Retook Elath and drove out the Jews
      2Ki 16:6 

 - Subdued and its inhabitants taken captive by Assyria
      2Ki 16:9 

   . Destruction of Rezin king of
        Isa 7:8,16 

   . Ceasing to be a kingdom
        Isa 17:1-3 

   . Terror and dismay in, occasioned by its invasion
        Jer 49:23,24 

   . Destruction of its inhabitants
        Jer 49:26 

   . Plundering of Damascus
        Isa 8:4 

   . Burning of Damascus
        Jer 49:27  Am 1:4 

   . Its calamities, the punishments of its sins
        Am 1:3 

   . Its inhabitants to be captives
        Am 1:3 

   . Its history in connection with the Macedonia empire
        Da 11:6-45 

 - Subdued and governed by the Romans
      Lu 2:2 

 - Gospel preached and many churches founded in
      Ac 15:23,41 
