主题Man (人类 )
 - 乃是为了上帝而造
      箴 16:4  启 4:11 

 - 上帝对创造物的心意藉着造人而完成
      创 2:5,7 

 - 不能加添上帝的好处
      伯 22:2  诗 16:2 

 - 不配得上帝的恩宠
      伯 7:17  诗 8:4 

 - 受造
   . 由上帝所造
        创 1:27  赛 45:12 

   . 靠基督而造
        约 1:3  西 1:16 

   . 由圣灵所造
        伯 33:4 

   . 在三位一体的神商议之后
        创 1:26 

   . 在第六天
        创 1:31 

   . 在地上
        申 4:32  伯 20:4 

   . 从尘土中
        创 2:7  伯 33:6 

   . 照着上帝的形像
        创 1:26,27  林前 11:7 

   . 按着上帝的样式
        创 1:26  雅 3:9 

   . 有男有女
        创 1:27  5:2 

   . 有灵的活人
        创 2:7  林前 15:45 

   . 原是正直
        传 7:29 

   . 有知识 (推断)
        西 3:10 

   . 有顺服的责任
        创 2:16,17 

   . 是基督的样式
        罗 5:14 

 - 为上帝所赞同
      创 1:31 

 - 为上帝所赐福
      创 1:28  5:2 

 - 安置在伊甸园中
      创 2:15 

 - 所有菜蔬和树赐给人类作食物
      创 1:29 

 - 在洪水之后被允许吃肉
      创 9:3 

 - 独居对人是不好的
      创 2:18 

 - 为了帮助男人, 于是造了女人
      创 2:20-25 

 - 拥有
   . 身体
        太 6:25 

   . 灵魂
        路 12:20  徒 14:22  彼前 4:19 

   . 心灵
        箴 18:14  20:17  林前 2:11 

   . 悟性
        弗 1:18  4:18 

   . 意志
        林前 9:17  彼后 1:21 

   . 感情
        代上 29:3  西 3:2 

   . 良心
        罗 2:15  提前 4:2 

   . 记忆
        创 41:9  林前 15:2 

 - 人的世世代代亦为上帝所造
      伯 10:8-11  31:15 

 - 受造奇妙可畏
      诗 139:14 

 - 每个国家的人, 受造乃是源出同一血脉
      徒 17:26 

 - 因上帝的气息而有了生气
      创 2:7  7:22  伯 33:4 

 - 全能者的气使人变聪明
      伯 32:8,9 

 - 比天使卑微
      诗 8:5  来 2:7 

 - 是出于地, 乃属土
      林前 15:47 

 - 本质和构造与其他生物不同
      林前 15:39 

 - 比其他生物宝贵
      太 6:26  10:31  12:12 

 - 比其他生物聪明
      伯 35:11 

 - 得以支配其他生物
      创 1:28  诗 8:6-8 

 - 替其他生物命名
      创 2:19,20 

 - 人的智能随着年龄而臻于成熟
      林前 13:11 

 - 称为
   . 地上的瓦片
        赛 45:9 

   . 虫
        伯 25:6 

   . 空虚的人
        伯 11:12  雅 2:20 

   . 有血气的
        创 6:12  珥 2:28 

 - 被比作
   . 草
        赛 40:6-8  彼前 1:24 

   . 窑匠手中的泥土
        赛 64:8  耶 18:2,6 

   . 一口气
        诗 144:4 

   . 睡一觉
        诗 90:5 

   . 野驴的驹子
        伯 11:12 

 - 起初赤身露体而不感羞耻
      创 2:25 

 - 吃了部分的禁果而违背了上帝
      创 3:1-12 

 - 堕落之后充满羞愧
      创 3:10 

 - 用无花果树叶遮蔽自己
      创 3:7 

 - 上帝以皮子为衣为其穿上
      创 3:21 

 - 因不顺从而受罚
      创 3:16-19 

 - 被逐出乐园
      创 3:23,24 

 - 在堕落中牵连了后代子孙
      罗 5:12-19 

 - 寻出许多巧计
      传 7:29 

 - 生于罪中
      诗 51:5 

 - 生来必要遭遇患难
      伯 5:7 

 - 在地上有一定的时间
      伯 7:1 

 - 人生在世的日子被比作影子
      代上 29:15 

 - 人生在世有如雇工人的日子
      伯 7:1 

 - 日子短少
      伯 14:1 

 - 一生的普通寿命
      诗 90:10 

 - 不知道什么对自己是好的
      传 10:2 

 - 不知道身后会有什么事
      传 10:14 

 - 不能从其一切劳碌和艰辛中得益处
      传 2:22  6:12 

 - 不能定自己的道路
      耶 10:23  箴 20:24 

 - 行动实系幻影
      诗 39:6 

 - 上帝
   . 指教人
        诗 94:10 

   . 命定人的道路
        箴 5:21  20:24 

   . 预备人心
        箴 16:1 

   . 使人会说话
        箴 16:1 

   . 保护人
        伯 7:20  诗 36:6 

   . 供应人食物
        诗 145:15,16 

   . 灭绝人的指望
        伯 14:19 

   . 使人的忿怒成全他的荣美
        诗 76:10 

   . 叫人所喜爱的消灭
        诗 39:11 

   . 使人归于尘土
        诗 90:3 

 - 在上帝面前不能成为义
      伯 9:2  25:4  诗 143:2  罗 3:20 

 - 不能洁净自己
      伯 15:14  耶 2:22 

 - 在自己眼中, 其一切行为尽都清洁
      箴 16:2 

 - 基督
   . 知道人心里所存的
        约 2:25 

   . 取了人的本质
        约 1:14  来 2:14,16 

   . 成为人的形象
        腓 2:7 

   . 有了人的样子
        腓 2:8 

   . 陈明上帝道成肉身
        徒 2:22 

   . 称为第二个人, 是教会盟约之头
        林前 15:47 

   . 是各人的头
        林前 11:3 

   . 以人的身分, 是罪人的避难所
        赛 32:2 

   . 就其本身而论, 是复活的缘由
        林前 15:21,22 

 - 将根据其行为得到回报
      诗 62:12  罗 2:6 

 - 不能留住自己的生命不死
      传 8:8 

 - 为了保全生命, 情愿舍去一切所有
      伯 2:4 

 - 能承受身体的痛苦
      箴 18:14 

 - 心里烦忧时便消沈
      箴 18:14 

 - 切莫投靠人
      诗 118:8  赛 2:22 

 - 人的帮助是枉然的
      诗 60:11 

 - 人所当尽的本分
      传 12:13 
 - Made for God
      Pr 16:4  Re 4:11 

 - God's purpose in creation completed by making
      Ge 2:5,7 

 - Cannot profit God
      Job 22:2  Ps 16:2 

 - Unworthy of God's favour
      Job 7:17  Ps 8:4 

   . By God
        Ge 1:27  Isa 45:12 

   . By Christ
        Joh 1:3  Col 1:16 

   . By the Holy Spirit
        Job 33:4 

   . After consultation, by the Trinity
        Ge 1:26 

   . On the sixth day
        Ge 1:31 

   . Upon the earth
        De 4:32  Job 20:4 

   . From the dust
        Ge 2:7  Job 33:6 

   . In the image of God
        Ge 1:26,27  1Co 11:7 

   . After the likeness of God
        Ge 1:26  Jas 3:9 

   . Male and female
        Ge 1:27  5:2 

   . A living soul
        Ge 2:7  1Co 15:45 

   . In uprightness
        Ec 7:29 

   . In knowledge (inferred)
        Col 3:10 

   . Under obligations to obedience
        Ge 2:16,17 

   . A type of Christ
        Ro 5:14 

 - Approved of by God
      Ge 1:31 

 - Blessed by God
      Ge 1:28  5:2 

 - Placed in the garden of Eden
      Ge 2:15 

 - Every herb and tree given to, for food
      Ge 1:29 

 - Allowed to eat flesh after the flood
      Ge 9:3 

 - Not good for, to be alone
      Ge 2:18 

 - Woman formed to be a help for
      Ge 2:20-25 

   . A Body
        Mt 6:25 

   . A soul
        Lu 12:20  Ac 14:22  1Pe 4:19 

   . A spirit
        Pr 18:14  20:17  1Co 2:11 

   . Understanding
        Eph 1:18  4:18 

   . Will
        1Co 9:17  2Pe 1:21 

   . Affections
        1Ch 29:3  Col 3:2 

   . Conscience
        Ro 2:15  1Ti 4:2 

   . Memory
        Ge 41:9  1Co 15:2 

 - Made by God in his successive generations
      Job 10:8-11  31:15 

 - Fearfully and wonderfully made
      Ps 139:14 

 - Of every nation, made of one blood
      Ac 17:26 

 - Quickened by the breath of God
      Ge 2:7  7:22  Job 33:4 

 - Made wise by the inspiration of the Almighty
      Job 32:8,9 

 - Inferior to angels
      Ps 8:5  Heb 2:7 

 - Is of the earth earthy
      1Co 15:47 

 - Nature and constitution of, different from other creatures
      1Co 15:39 

 - More valuable than other creatures
      Mt 6:26  10:31  12:12 

 - Wiser than other creatures
      Job 35:11 

 - Received dominion over other creatures
      Ge 1:28  Ps 8:6-8 

 - Gave names to other creatures
      Ge 2:19,20 

 - Intellect of, matured by age
      1Co 13:11 

   . The potsherd of the earth
        Isa 45:9 

   . A worm
        Job 25:6 

   . Vain man
        Job 11:12  Jas 2:20 

   . Flesh
        Ge 6:12  Joe 2:28 

   . Grass
        Isa 40:6-8  1Pe 1:24 

   . Clay in the potter's hand
        Isa 64:8  Jer 18:2,6 

   . Vanity
        Ps 144:4 

   . A sleep
        Ps 90:5 

   . A wild ass's colt
        Job 11:12 

 - Originally naked and not ashamed
      Ge 2:25 

 - Disobeyed God by eating part of the forbidden fruit
      Ge 3:1-12 

 - Filled with shame after the fall
      Ge 3:10 

 - Covered himself with fig leaves
      Ge 3:7 

 - Clothed by God with skins
      Ge 3:21 

 - Punished for disobedience
      Ge 3:16-19 

 - Banished from paradise
      Ge 3:23,24 

 - Involved posterity in his ruin
      Ro 5:12-19 

 - Has sought out many inventions
      Ec 7:29 

 - Born in sin
      Ps 51:5 

 - Born to trouble
      Job 5:7 

 - Has an appointed time on the earth
      Job 7:1 

 - Days of, compared to a shadow
      1Ch 29:15 

 - Days of, as the days of a hireling
      Job 7:1 

 - Has but few days
      Job 14:1 

 - Ordinary limit of his life
      Ps 90:10 

 - Ignorant of what is good for him
      Ec 10:2 

 - Ignorant of what is to come after him
      Ec 10:14 

 - Not profited by all his labour and travail
      Ec 2:22  6:12 

 - Cannot direct his ways
      Jer 10:23  Pr 20:24 

 - Walks in a vain show
      Ps 39:6 

 - GOD
   . Instructs
        Ps 94:10 

   . Orders the goings of
        Pr 5:21  20:24 

   . Prepares the heart of
        Pr 16:1 

   . Enables to speak
        Pr 16:1 

   . Preserves
        Job 7:20  Ps 36:6 

   . Provides for
        Ps 145:15,16 

   . Destroys the hopes of
        Job 14:19 

   . Makes the wrath of, to praise him
        Ps 76:10 

   . Makes his beauty consume away
        Ps 39:11 

   . Turns to destruction
        Ps 90:3 

 - Cannot be just with God
      Job 9:2  25:4  Ps 143:2  Ro 3:20 

 - Cannot cleanse himself
      Job 15:14  Jer 2:22 

 - All the ways of, clean in his own eyes
      Pr 16:2 

   . Knew what was in
        Joh 2:25 

   . Took on him nature of
        Joh 1:14  Heb 2:14,16 

   . Made in the image of
        Php 2:7 

   . Was found in fashion as
        Php 2:8 

   . Approved of God as
        Ac 2:22 

   . Called the second, as covenant head of the church
        1Co 15:47 

   . Is the head of every
        1Co 11:3 

   . A refuge as, to sinners
        Isa 32:2 

   . As such, is the cause of the resurrection
        1Co 15:21,22 

 - Shall be recompensed according to his works
      Ps 62:12  Ro 2:6 

 - Cannot retain his spirit from death
      Ec 8:8 

 - Would give all his possessions for the preservation of life
      Job 2:4 

 - Able to sustain bodily affliction
      Pr 18:14 

 - Sinks under trouble of mind
      Pr 18:14 

 - No trust to be placed in
      Ps 118:8  Isa 2:22 

 - The help of, vain
      Ps 60:11 

 - The whole duty of
      Ec 12:13 
