內容 | -With God
.According to his commands
De 5:33 Ps 1 Jer 7:23
.In his ways
De 28:9 Jos 22:5
.In the old paths
Jer 6:16
.As taught by him
1Ki 8:36 Isa 2:3 30:21
Pr 2:7
.In his statutes and judgments
Eze 37:24
.In newness of life
Ro 6:4
.Not after the flesh, but after the Spirit
Ro 8:1 Ga 5:16
.Honestly, as in the day
Ro 13:13
.Not walking by sight, but by faith
2Co 5:7
.In love, following Christ
Eph 5:2
.Worthy of the Lord
Col 1:10
.In Christ
Col 2:6
.By the gospel rule
Php 3:16
.In the light, as God is
1Jo 1:7
.In white clothing
Re 3:4
.In the light of heaven
Re 21:24
Ge 5:24
Ge 6:9